An ATM card is a precious possession that you just cannot afford to lose. Even if you do, you have to activate your reflexes and take care of all the safety procedures that you should do in such cases. The first and the foremost thing to do when you lose your ATM card is to block it as soon as possible. However, in a stressed situation like this, rushing to your nearest Axis bank branch and asking them to block it seems almost impossible. More so, you can afford to waste even a second as there could be someone trying to get some cash out of your debit card.
Therefore, to make things simple for you, Axis bank offers you services that can help you block or unblock your card whenever you feel the necessity:
Block Axis Bank ATM Card via SMS
If you fail to find you ATM card and you wish to block it, you can do so by sending an SMS saying BLOCKCARD and send it to the official customer care number that could be either on your ATM card, the passbook or the envelope in which you has received the card. For Axis Bank, you can send the SMS to +919717000002.
Call Customer Care to block Axis Bank ATM Card
If you don’t find SMS an easy option, you can always call the customer care number of the bank. The customer care number is present on almost every statement, document, card, and website of the bank. The executives will assist you in the blocking process or just block the card for you instantly.
Internet banking Axis Bank
You can also try internet banking. All you have to do is log in to your net banking account and select the drop-down menu that says Debit cards. In this, select the option that says Block card. Your card would be blocked in no time.
Find a chart for the same below:
Service | Format |
Customer care | +91-22-67987700 |
Internet banking | ‘Block card’ to |
Blocking your ATM card and protecting it from theft is an absolute necessity in unfortunate situations. Follow the methods mentioned above and protect your hard-earned money in just a few seconds. Do remember, wasting no time is the key.