TV9 Kannada Schedule, Serials List : Serials Timing Today

TV9 Kannada

TV9 Kannada is a 24-hours Kannada language news channel in India. It was launched on the 9th of December, 2006. The channel aires hourly news, analysis of major news events and interviews etc.

TV9 Kannada Schedule, Serials List : Serials Timing

Serials TimingsSerial NameTime Table Today
07:00 PM – 07:30 PMInside SuddiMonday to Friday
07:30 PM – 08:00 PMSpecial EpisodeMonday to Friday
08:00 PM – 08:30 PMNammuruMonday to Friday
08:30 PM – 09:00 PMTV9 SpecialMonday to Friday
09:00 PM – 10:00 PMNimma NewsroomMonday to Friday
10:00 PM – 10:30 PMJust BengaluruMonday to Friday
10:30 PM – 11:00 PMSpecial NewsMonday to Friday
11:00 PM – 12:00 AMTV9 News / SegmentMonday to Friday
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